

Is this team looking for new team members?


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Proficient in app development, data analytics, and machine learning. Skilled in business strategy, marketing, operations, and scaling.

Team info

Sofia Corradine



The challenge

Fycle addresses the fundamental issue of traditional workplaces that overlook the natural, cyclical effects of the female menstrual cycle on energy, mood, and productivity. This disregard leads women to work on one-size-fits-all schedules that fail to account for variations in performance and well-being, resulting in untapped potential, greater stress, and decreased job satisfaction. Companies that do not use data-driven insights to customize work strategies risk lower overall productivity and increased turnover, highlighting the critical need for an approach that matches work tasks with the distinct periods of the menstrual cycle.

The solution

Fycle first business model approach would be a subscription-based wellness platform (app) and the second approach is a consulting and customization service (software). The cycle tracking app and wellness programs provides a solution for individual users, helping them understand, plan, and optimize their work schedules based on their menstrual cycles. The consulting service focuses on personalization and customization, allowing companies to tailor their workplace strategies to the specific needs and dynamics of their workforce. To capture the value of improved workplace dynamics and employee well-being; companies are charged for consultation, customization and companionship through all the implementation and adaptation of the menstrual cycle-aligned workplace strategies, capturing the value of improved workplace dynamics and employee well-being.

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