
Business Ready

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Team info

Arantxa Garfella Esparza
Guilherme Herculano Diniz
Daniel Mahmoudi


Business Ready

The challenge

Homeowners in the Netherlands seeking sustainable solutions like solar panels or heat pumps face challenges such as: 1.Lack of Transparency: Difficulty comparing suppliers and understanding costs. 2.Information Overload: Overwhelmed by complex options and technical jargon. 3.Time-Consuming Research: Spending hours finding trustworthy providers and understanding incentives. 4.Missed Opportunities: Unawareness of subsidies or ROI benefits delays adoption.

The solution

The business idea is a digital platform designed to simplify and streamline the process of finding sustainable project solutions, such as solar panel installations. It functions as a comprehensive marketplace where users can compare all available options for sustainable products and services in one place. Similar to how Kayak aggregates travel options, this platform consolidates potential suppliers and manufacturers, allowing users to evaluate prices, quality, and customer reviews side by side.

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